Academic Assessment Council Student Learning Outcomes Assessment ☰ Menu Guiding Principles Student Learning Outcomes Academic Assessment Council Assessment Resources Assessment Processes Assessment Reports, Plans & Results 2024/2025 MembershipNameTitleEmailGregory BruessAssociate Dean, College of Social & Behavioral Sciencesgregory.bruess@uni.eduMaureen ClaytonAssociate Dean, College of Humanities, Arts & Sciencesmaureen.clayton@uni.eduMary ConnerleyAssociate Dean, Wilson College of Businessmary.connerley@uni.eduShoshanna CoonAssociate Dean, College of Humanities, Arts & Sciencesshoshanna.coon@uni.eduKaren CunninghamAssociate Dean and Director, Online Education and Individual Studieskaren.cunningham@uni.eduDonald GaffAssessment Coordinator, UNIFI,Assessment Fellow, Associate Professordonald.gaff@uni.eduElena DodgeAssessment Specialist, Wilson College of Moser (co-chair)Director, Institutional Effectiveness & Planningkristin.moser@uni.eduJohn Ophus (co-chair)Interim Executive Director, Office of Undergraduate Studiesjohn.ophus@uni.eduMandie SandermanAssistant Dean, Assessment and Clinical Summary of Recent Activities 2024-2025 Hired Assessment Fellow for Program AssessmentProgram Assessment records updatedGeneral Education survey of Faculty and AdvisorsGeneral Education Committee undertakes revision of rubrics and assessment planProgram and General Education data prepared for HLC 2023-2024 General Education survey of Department HeadsCreated syllabi statements for General Education SLOsCollected second round of SLO artifacts for General EducationHeld seven workshops and assessed SLOs 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10 and 12 for General Education 2022-2023 Hired Assessment Coordinator for General EducationCollected and checked syllabi for General Education SLO'sCollected first round of SLO artifacts for General EducationHeld four workshops and assessed SLO's 1, 6, 8 and 11 for General Education 2021-2022 Established the Position of Assessment Coordinator of General EducationDeveloped assessment rubrics for General Education SLO's 2020-2021 Compiled 5-year Assessment Executive SummaryOffered Programs a COVID-19 Assessment Waiver 2019-2020 Conducted assessment retreat with CHASDepartment of Technology assessment retreatCollege Associate Deans met with all departments to review assessment reports 2018-2019 "Closing the Loop" Workshop with the College of Humanities, Arts & Sciences and the College of Social & Behavioral Sciences"Closing the Loop" Workshop with the College of EducationCollege of Education Faculty Retreat- Assessment PresentationNew assessment archives createdAssessment Consult with the College of Education, Curriculum and Instruction Department“Just-in-Time” Assessment Consultations“Assestivus 2018”: Assessment Council retreat to evaluate assessment reports and provide feedback to departments (included the Provost and Deans 2017-2018 “Provost's Assessment Workshop” with the College of Humanities, Arts & Sciences and the College of Social & Behavioral Sciences“Provost's Assessment Workshop” with the College of Education“Curriculum Alignment and Assessment” workshopAssessment consultations with departments“Assestivus 2017”: Assessment Council retreat to evaluate assessment reports and provide feedback to departments 2016-2017 Presented assessment update to department headsMet individually with programs to discuss assessment activities (in presence of Associate Dean(s) and Dean)“Assestivus 2016”: Assessment Council retreat to evaluate assessment reports and provide feedback to departments“Curriculum Alignment and Assessment” workshop"State of Assessment" report shared with Dean's Council 2015-2016 Aligned UNI assessment expectations with HLC expectationsCreated rubric to communicate expectations“Assestivus 2015”: Assessment Council retreat to evaluate assessment reports and provide feedback to departments"State of Assessment" report shared with Dean's CouncilDeveloped a new assessment report template to align with revised expectationsEstablished University Assessment CouncilAssessment Council attended IU-PUI Annual Assessment Conference